AiApply: $15K/Month SaaS Business Helping People Apply to Jobs with AI

AiApply is a SaaS platform co-founded by Aidan Cramer and Peter Utekal, designed to streamline and optimize the job application process using AI. The platform provides personalized resume and cover letter generation, job matching, and direct communication with HR managers, empowering job seekers to find opportunities faster and with less friction. With their main product, the “Application Kit,” AiApply simplifies job searching by leveraging AI to handle tedious tasks, allowing users to focus on interviews and networking.

The platform primarily caters to job seekers, especially those seeking a more effective way to land jobs in today’s competitive market. AiApply’s business model charges users $19 per month for access to its suite of tools. Since its inception, the company has seen rapid growth, reaching $25K in monthly revenue with a 30% monthly growth rate. Their success stems from a strategic blend of influencer marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and customer-centric product iterations.

Origin Story:
Aidan’s entrepreneurial background provided him with the foundation to recognize inefficiencies in the job market. His journey began with Stride, an HR tech startup that connected college graduates to startup job opportunities. After a successful exit, Aidan went on to create, a platform that used large language models (LLMs) to provide veterinary advice to pet owners. The experience at showed him how LLMs could solve real-world problems and scale quickly in a B2C environment. After selling on, Aidan turned his attention back to the HR space, using his combined knowledge of tech and recruitment to create AiApply.

The idea for AiApply came about after Aidan observed how difficult and time-consuming it was for job seekers to manually tailor resumes, cover letters, and applications for each job posting. With Peter’s technical expertise, the duo developed a browser extension that aimed to automate key parts of the job application process. Early validation came from a viral video demo they posted on social media, which resonated with users and confirmed there was a demand for the product. This led to the development of a full web platform, allowing them to expand their offering and reach a larger audience.

Building the First Product:
AiApply’s first version was a simple browser extension designed to automate job applications. However, the founders quickly realized that while the extension had potential, it faced scalability challenges, particularly around user engagement and monetization. This feedback from users prompted a pivot to a web-based platform, which offered a more seamless experience for job seekers.

The development of the web platform was a collaborative process, with Aidan and Peter focusing heavily on user feedback to guide their product roadmap. Early adopters provided valuable insights, and the founders set up a tight feedback loop, shipping updates sometimes on a daily basis. This iterative approach allowed them to improve product-market fit (PMF) quickly and refine the platform to better meet user needs. Within months, AiApply had transitioned from a simple extension to a robust web platform, capable of supporting thousands of job seekers with AI-powered application tools.

Launching the Business:
Before AiApply, Aidan’s experience with Stride and as a product strategist at a major recruitment firm in the UK helped him understand the pain points in the job application process. His HR tech background, combined with Peter’s expertise in building browser extensions, positioned them perfectly to tackle the inefficiencies that job seekers faced. After realizing the demand through the viral success of their demo content on Twitter and TikTok, they officially launched AiApply’s web platform.

The viral growth of their content not only validated the idea but also served as a key marketing strategy. Early adopters from social media helped spread the word, and their feedback was critical in refining the product. With the first version of AiApply fully launched, Aidan and Peter turned their focus toward building a sustainable business model, charging users $19 per month for access to the platform. The company prioritized becoming cash-flow positive from day one by keeping operating costs low and focusing on long-term growth.

Growth Strategies for Customer Acquisition & Retention:
AiApply’s customer acquisition strategy has been driven by a mix of content marketing, influencer partnerships, and SEO. One of their most successful tactics was creating engaging demo videos for social media, particularly on platforms like Twitter and TikTok, where job seekers actively engage with career advice and tools. These short, informative videos quickly gained traction and helped the company grow its user base organically.

Additionally, AiApply invested in paid advertising through Google Ads and Meta’s PPC campaigns, targeting job seekers with relevant messaging. The company also focused on SEO, optimizing their website and content to rank highly for job-related search terms. By balancing immediate traffic through PPC with long-term growth from SEO, AiApply was able to attract a steady stream of users.

To retain customers, AiApply implemented several strategies. They created value by regularly updating users on job market trends, offering personalized tips for job applications, and fostering a community around career growth. The platform’s user feedback loop, which allowed job seekers to suggest features and report issues, further increased customer loyalty. This approach not only improved the product but also built a sense of ownership among users, who felt their input was being considered in AiApply’s development.

Current Status & Future Plans:
As of now, AiApply is generating $15K in monthly revenue with a gross margin of 98%, making it a highly profitable SaaS business. Their operations are entirely digital, with no physical distribution channels, allowing them to scale efficiently. The platform continues to grow, thanks to targeted digital marketing and ongoing product enhancements. The team is now focused on expanding their platform’s capabilities, integrating more advanced AI tools, and exploring global markets.

In the future, AiApply plans to diversify into new sectors where AI can have a significant impact on job seekers and employers, potentially entering recruitment automation or talent acquisition spaces. Their long-term goal is to remain at the forefront of AI-driven solutions for job seekers, offering a comprehensive platform that addresses all aspects of the job search process.

Key Lessons & Insights for Entrepreneurs:
Throughout their journey, Aidan and Peter learned several valuable lessons. Early on, they underestimated the importance of user feedback, launching features based on assumptions rather than direct insights. This mistake taught them the value of engaging users early and often, allowing them to refine their product-market fit faster.

On the marketing side, the viral success of their content demonstrated the power of social media in building awareness and driving organic growth. For other SaaS founders, Aidan advises focusing on creating content that resonates with users’ pain points and offers tangible solutions. This not only attracts new users but builds trust and loyalty among early adopters.

Aidan also emphasizes the importance of timing and flexibility in business. AiApply’s success came in part from riding the wave of interest in AI-driven solutions, particularly in the job search space. For aspiring entrepreneurs, he advises staying adaptable, engaging with customers, and being open to pivoting when necessary.

Tools & Platforms Used:
AiApply operates on a tech stack built primarily in PHP. For internal communication, the team uses Slack to stay connected, and Trello for project management. Google Analytics helps them track website traffic and user behavior, while Mailchimp powers their email marketing campaigns. Stripe is used for payment processing, ensuring a seamless checkout experience for users.

Influential Books & Resources:
Aidan credits Felix Dennis’s “How to Be Rich” as one of the most influential books on his entrepreneurial journey, offering practical advice on wealth creation and business strategy. He also draws inspiration from the podcast “My First Million,” which provides actionable insights for startup founders, focusing on unconventional paths to success.

Advice for Entrepreneurs:
For entrepreneurs just starting out, Aidan’s top advice is to focus on solving real problems rather than chasing trends. He stresses the importance of engaging deeply with potential customers, understanding their pain points, and building solutions that meet their needs. He also advises founders to embrace failure as part of the learning process and to remain flexible, allowing their business to pivot as market conditions or customer feedback dictate.

Networking and relationship-building are also crucial. Aidan believes that surrounding yourself with other entrepreneurs, mentors, and potential customers can open doors and provide critical support throughout your journey. Finally, he encourages aspiring founders to stay resilient and to view each setback as an opportunity for growth.

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