From Freelancer to Multimillionaire: How Khairul Alam Built a Thriving Outsourcing Empire in Bangladesh

Khairul Alam’s journey from freelancing to becoming a multimillionaire entrepreneur is nothing short of inspiring. Starting from humble beginnings in Rajshahi, Bangladesh, Khairul transformed his passion for IT into Fleet Bangladesh, a successful outsourcing company employing over 1,000 young people. His story is a perfect example of how persistence, adaptability, and a commitment to community can turn dreams into reality.

The Start: Freelancing and Early Challenges

Before his rise as a tech entrepreneur, Khairul Alam worked in a private firm. However, he wanted more from life. Inspired by a TV show on software companies in 2005, Khairul ventured into freelancing while pursuing a business degree at Islamic International University in Dhaka.

With no easy access to computers or the necessary tools, his journey began with a second-hand computer and limited online opportunities. His first freelance project brought him $3.22, but he faced setbacks, including being scammed by a client. Despite the hardships, Khairul remained undeterred and continued taking on small contracts through Upwork, eventually building a strong profile with positive reviews.

The Birth of Fleet Bangladesh

In 2018, Khairul launched Fleet Bangladesh with just 10 employees in his hometown of Rajshahi. Initially, he faced criticism for leaving a secure job and venturing into a relatively unknown field. However, his vision for the company was clear—to provide outsourcing services to global giants like Amazon, Walmart, and eBay.

As the demand for digital services grew, so did Fleet Bangladesh. From vendor management to store solutions and fulfillment services, Fleet quickly became a go-to outsourcing firm for over 300 international clients. With contracts from companies like Ashley Furniture and Phoenix Group, Fleet’s revenue began to soar. At present, the company earns over $80,000 monthly, putting Khairul on the map as a multimillionaire entrepreneur.

Building a Unique Company Culture

One of the key aspects of Fleet Bangladesh’s success is the strong company culture that Khairul nurtured from day one. Rather than focusing solely on skills, he sought out employees with the right attitude and enthusiasm to learn. This approach created a team environment that felt more like a community, contributing to the firm’s rapid growth.

Khairul’s emphasis on work-life balance and team morale also played a crucial role. He introduced incentives like performance-based rewards, iPhones, bikes, domestic tours, and five-star hotel stays to keep his employees motivated. What sets Fleet apart from other companies in Bangladesh, however, is their unique “Hajj Fund.” This initiative supports top-performing employees by funding their parents’ pilgrimage to Mecca, a significant honor in the Muslim community.

Expanding Horizons and Future Goals

Fleet Bangladesh has become a model for outsourcing companies, especially in a region where opportunities for digital work are scarce. With over 1,000 employees, including permanent and contractual staff, the company has ambitious plans for the future. Khairul aims to open 60 offices across 64 districts in Bangladesh, offering jobs to a growing pool of talented youth.

The government has recognized Fleet Bangladesh’s impact, with State Minister for ICT Zunaid Ahmed Palak and the Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority pledging support. They have provided space for the company in the Sheikh Kamal IT Training and Incubation Building in Rajshahi, further accelerating its expansion.

Lessons Learned: Consistency and Motivation

Through his journey, Khairul has learned that success comes not only from securing large contracts but also from maintaining consistency and prioritizing teamwork. By establishing clear processes and encouraging open communication, he has built a team that operates like a well-oiled machine, confident in delivering high-quality work.

For Khairul, understanding what motivates his team has been essential. Fleet’s worker-friendly environment, with benefits like provident funds, medical coverage, and bonuses, creates a sense of stability. This, in turn, fosters innovation and drives the company toward continued success.


Khairul Alam’s rise from freelancer to multimillionaire is a testament to the power of vision, hard work, and community-focused leadership. As Fleet Bangladesh continues to expand, it’s clear that Khairul’s impact on the outsourcing industry, as well as on the lives of thousands of young people, is just beginning. His story is an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere—proving that with persistence and purpose, anyone can turn their dreams into reality.

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