How Jamie Built Multiple Niche Sites That Make $40K/Month Through Affiliate Marketing

In this post, we’re diving deep into the inspiring story of Jamie I.F., a young entrepreneur from North London who started a bunch of niche websites after university and turned them into a business that generates $40K a month. Jamie’s journey is full of determination, persistence, and innovation, making it a must-read for anyone looking to dive into affiliate marketing and SEO.

Who Is Jamie I.F. and What Does He Do?

Jamie I.F. is a 26-year-old digital entrepreneur who runs the company and several other internet properties. These properties consist of niche sites that focus on blogging about specific subjects or hobbies. By creating detailed content that answers common search queries, Jamie’s sites generate significant traffic, allowing him to make money primarily through affiliate marketing, as well as display ads, digital products, and direct sponsorships.

The business model is simple yet effective: write content around specific niches, rank high on Google, and monetize that traffic through affiliate links and ads. Jamie’s journey into this business started right after graduating from university in mid-2019, and his persistence led to impressive results: $79K in revenue in November 2022 and $81K in December 2022.

Though January 2023 saw a slight dip in revenue (due to the post-holiday slump in affiliate sales), Jamie is still hitting around $40K a month in revenue.

How Did Jamie Come Up With This Business Idea?

Jamie’s story is one of resourcefulness and passion. While studying, he completed a year-long internship in Paris, where he discovered the power of SEO and its potential to generate free traffic online. After graduating, Jamie originally set out to start a social project aimed at feeding the homeless in London—a project that also inspired the initials “I.F.” in his name.

However, funding this social project turned out to be more challenging than expected. Jamie quickly ran out of money and realized he needed to raise a substantial amount—around £2 million—to turn his dream into reality. With no connections and few options, Jamie turned to SEO and niche sites as his last resort.

The Start of Jamie’s Affiliate Marketing Journey

Jamie didn’t know much about affiliate marketing at the start. He simply began writing content for his niche sites in hopes that ads would eventually make him money. Then, in late 2019, Jamie stumbled upon affiliate marketing, specifically Amazon’s affiliate program. His first commission was a modest £15, but it was a turning point. From that moment on, he knew affiliate marketing was his way to generate the revenue he needed.

Persistence became Jamie’s strongest asset. He kept writing, testing, and improving his content, even as doubts and past failures tried to pull him down. For instance, when Jamie was 17, he launched a streetwear line that garnered 16,000 followers on Instagram but failed to turn a profit. Determined not to let failure define his future, Jamie set his sights on building successful niche sites.

Building the First Version of His Business

When Jamie started, he wasn’t concerned about perfection. He picked the cheapest hosting option available—Bluehost—and set up his first website using WordPress. He chose the first theme that looked decent and began writing.

According to Jamie, the key to building a niche site is to write quality content that serves as your “product.” Over time, his writing skills improved, and he developed standard operating procedures (SOPs) to streamline the process. As AI and other innovations continue to make content creation more accessible, Jamie believes anyone can start a niche site—even if English isn’t their first language.

Launching the Business: From Zero to Job-Replacement Income

Launching the business was a simple process for Jamie. He installed a theme, wrote his first blog post, and published it. However, building a successful site didn’t happen overnight. It took months of consistent effort before Jamie saw any real traction.

Then, in early 2020, things began to take off. Jamie’s revenue doubled month after month: £400, £800, £1,750, and eventually £3,500 by March 2020 when the pandemic hit. By then, Jamie had achieved job-replacement income.

How Jamie Attracts and Retains Traffic

One unique aspect of Jamie’s business is that he doesn’t need to retain customers in the traditional sense. His traffic comes from organic searches—primarily from Google. As long as his sites rank well, he consistently gets traffic. That said, Jamie has invested heavily in improving his content and providing a better experience for his readers.

Some strategies Jamie uses to improve his content include:

  • Creating more interactive content: Instead of relying solely on blocks of text, Jamie incorporates bulleted lists, tables, infographics, and images to make his content more engaging.
  • Differentiating products: In affiliate content, Jamie ensures he segments products based on user needs, such as “best for beginners” or “best budget option.”
  • Enhancing user engagement: By adding pros and cons, buying guides, and details about how products are tested, Jamie improves user experience and Google rankings.

Though Jamie’s focus has been mostly on improving organic traffic, he acknowledges that building a brand and retaining traffic via email lists, videos, and other channels is something he hasn’t focused on enough.

Jamie’s Current Team and Profits

As of late 2022, Jamie’s business was highly profitable. In November and December 2022, when his sites earned a combined $160,000 in revenue, he was operating with an impressive 87% profit margin. However, this success didn’t come easily. Jamie acknowledges that for the first half of 2022, his business was losing money.

Today, Jamie’s team is small but efficient:

  • Jamie acts as the editor for the main two sites.
  • One freelancer works four days a week, managing one site and holding equity in another.
  • A VA helps format and publish content.
  • Six freelance writers contribute content on a project basis.

Around 70% of Jamie’s revenue comes from affiliate marketing, with 22% from Amazon alone. Display ads make up 25%, while digital products and direct sponsorships make up the remaining 5%. Jamie plans to focus more on affiliate revenue through YouTube and email newsletters in 2023.

Lessons Jamie Has Learned Along the Way

Through his journey, Jamie has learned the importance of experimentation and curiosity. For the first two years, he stuck to a comfortable routine, but as his business grew, he realized the need to test new ideas.

Some current experiments include:

  • Testing audio summaries of blog posts to improve user engagement.
  • Adding AI-generated summaries of informational content in a “Key Takeaways” section.
  • Including Pros and Cons sections in product reviews to see if it improves rankings and conversion rates.

Jamie also recognizes that luck plays a role in success. He believes many talented people aren’t as successful simply because they’ve chosen less profitable niches. Jamie’s success is partly due to luck, but also his willingness to put in the hard work and take risks.

Tools and Resources for Success

Jamie credits several tools and resources for helping him streamline his operations:

  • Website and SEO: WordPress is the backbone of his sites, with WP Engine as the hosting provider. SEO tools like Ahrefs, SurferSEO, and Answerthepublic assist in keyword research and content optimization.
  • Content Management: Jamie utilizes Slack for team communication, Trello for managing content, and Loom for creating video SOPs.
  • Affiliate Management: Lasso, his favorite tool, optimizes affiliate links and displays, making it easier to track revenue and improve conversion rates. Jamie’s passion for Lasso led him to join the team as the head of marketing.

Key Takeaways

Jamie’s journey in building niche sites offers invaluable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs:

  1. Start and Be Patient: “Just get started, and ignore the results for at least the short-to-medium term,” Jamie advises. Commitment to the process is crucial for long-term success.
  2. Experimentation is Key: Continuous testing and curiosity can accelerate learning and uncover new opportunities.
  3. Seek Knowledge and Inspiration: Jamie recommends influential books such as The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber and The Hard Things About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz for insights into business growth and management.
  4. Ignore Naysayers: Staying true to your vision, regardless of external opinions, is essential. Jamie recalls facing skepticism during his early struggles but ultimately turned those challenges into motivation.


Jamie I.F.’s story exemplifies the potential of niche sites and affiliate marketing as viable business models. By harnessing the power of SEO and focusing on high-quality content, he has built a successful enterprise while pursuing his greater mission to support social causes. His journey serves as an inspiring reminder that with determination, curiosity, and strategic thinking, anyone can carve out their own path to success in the digital landscape.

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